Switching from common non-renewable fuels to green energy is a big change in the power production field. These sources lower harm to the environment and ensure constant energy for the future. Sun and wind energy are top choices.
Solar power has seen amazing tech progress. This makes it practical and more affordable for power stations. Solar energy comes in two main forms: Concentrated solar power (CSP) and photovoltaic (PV) systems. Lenses or mirrors in solar power gear focus light in a tight spot, creating heat. This heat makes turbines run, generating electricity.
Take the Ivanpah solar plant in California, USA as an example. It holds 173,500 heliostats and can supply electricity for more than 140,000 homes. Within the gear for solar energy generation, semiconductors let sunlight, or light particles, transform directly into electric currents.
Noor Abu Dhabi Solar Power Plant in the United Arab Emirates. These spotlights what solar tech can do. It's a big deal in the solar world, with around 1,177MW capacity. It gives clean energy to everyone, everywhere.
“Solar energy is a step toward green energy or rather we can say creating a base for ‘low carbon economy’. Solar (renewable) energy at best can supplement conventional energy like coal, petroleum, gas and others, especially in high energy intensive countries of the world.” says Anoop Kumar Garg, Deputy General Manager - Corporate Legal, Aircel.
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